
Post marked as solved
1 Replies
I've fixed it. It's actually not caused by the code above but one extension for UIView that didn't layout after changing the constraints. Thanks anyway.
Post not yet marked as solved
2 Replies
It's okay now. I've fixed it by changing the simulator from iPhone 12 to iPhone 14. Weird.
Post not yet marked as solved
2 Replies
BTW, this is my Podfile, if it has anything to do with it: use_frameworks! platform :ios, '11.0' target 'bimb-authenticate-ios' do # Pods for bimb-authenticate-ios pod 'Rudder', '~> 1.15.1' pod 'RxSwift', '6.6.0' pod 'RxCocoa', '6.6.0' pod 'KeychainAccess' pod 'Swinject' pod 'SwiftOTP', :git => '', :branch => 'swift-5.0-cryptoswift' pod "RecaptchaEnterprise", "18.3.0" pod 'RealmSwift', '~>10' pod "RxRealm" pod 'SwiftLint' end target 'bimb-authenticate-iosTests' do inherit! :complete # Pods for testing pod 'RxBlocking', '6.6.0' pod 'RxTest', '6.6.0' end target 'bimb-authenticate-iosUITests' do inherit! :complete # Pods for testing pod 'RxBlocking', '6.6.0' pod 'RxTest', '6.6.0' end # FORCE SET DEPLOYMENT TARGET TO 11.0 SINCE platform :ios, '11.0' DIDN'T SEEM TO DO ANYTHING! post_install do |pi| pi.pods_project.targets.each do |t| t.build_configurations.each do |config| config.build_settings['IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '11.0' end end end