I've been trying to use Keychain from a Daemon for some time now. In the end, I managed to have the System Keychain work for my application and I moved to work on other parts.
I finally went back to dealing with Keychain, but the code I wrote before stopped working. Even the application I wrote to test things out stopped working for me, and now it gives the The authorization was denied. error.
To give more perspective into what I am doing, I am running a Sandboxed Launch Daemon wrapped in an App-like structure. I register it from my main app via SMAppService API. I also have a System Extension.
My test app was structured in the same way and I used the following code to put a new key into the System Keychain and get its reference:
var err: Unmanaged<CFError>?
let access = SecAccessCreateWithOwnerAndACL(getuid(), getgid(), UInt32(kSecUseOnlyUID | kSecHonorRoot), nil, &err)
if let err = err {
log.error("Failed to create SecAccess: \(err.takeUnretainedValue().localizedDescription)")
let request = [
kSecClass: kSecClassGenericPassword,
kSecAttrService: service,
kSecAttrAccount: account,
kSecValueData: passwordData,
kSecAttrAccess: access as Any,
kSecAttrSynchronizable: false,
kSecUseDataProtectionKeychain: false,
kSecReturnPersistentRef: true,
] as [String: Any]
var result: CFTypeRef?
let status = SecItemAdd(request as CFDictionary, &result)
The goal of this was to share some secrets with a System Extension.
The code above worked for me some time ago and I was able to use the System Keychain from my sandboxed daemon.
Am I missing something again? Did something change in the meantime? Or did I do something last time that I haven't noticed?
Should I cut my losses and avoid Keychain since Apple will not support it anyway?