
Post not yet marked as solved
8 Replies
thank you for your comment.It is the result.Although 'primaryLanguage' is recognized by 'en-US',But it does not appear to be reflected on the keyboard.IOS13:language en tim <UIKeyboardInputMode: 0x6000023b45a0> Optional("en-US")IOS13.1:language en     tim <UIKeyboardInputMode: 0x6000039ddfe0> Optional("en-US")
Post not yet marked as solved
8 Replies
thank you for your commentIt is the result.IOS13: language en tim <UIKeyboardInputMode: 0x6000011d10e0>IOS13.1:language en tim <UIKeyboardInputMode: 0x6000011b5720>
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8 Replies
Thank you for your comment.>"UITextInputMode" doesn't work on IOS13.1.>What did you expect ?I expect fixed language mode.Is there a way to fix the mode on IOS13.1?It does not raise any error messages.Primary language is available for "en-US".And "return tim" appears to be working properly.But, it will not be in "en-US" mode.