Answered you below, thank you.
Thank you Claude, answered below.
Solved the problem by myself!
Thank you very much, Claude. Could you please check out my below post?
Thank you, Claude. Could you please help me with the logic? I tried some options from StackOverFlow but unsuccessful...
Could you please clarify how should I define aRow?
Hi Claude. Seems still need your help on how to be with my dataSource object. I describe it below. Tried to do it with your example, but was unsuccessful because of my dataSource I think.
Thank you very much, Claude! Seems this is what I need. I will take a closer look tomorrow, if something will be unclear, let you know, if not - make your answer best one.
Thank you Claude, answered you below!
Hi Claude. Any reply for me?
Thank Claude! Answered you below.
Thank you very much, Claude. Yes, agree with you. Leave it as it is.
Sure! Thank you very much. P.S. it works without tableView.reloadData() perfectly. Not needed there.
Oh my God, Claude. It's working now!!! Can you please describe for dumb me what is the core problem there I had, what should I understand?
Thank you. So will try to understand why it's nil then...