




Clarification on Privacy Manifest requirements for SDKs
Hello Apple Developer Community, I'm reaching out to seek clarification on a specific post in the forum, referenced here: Lets say our current live App in App Store uses below mentioned third-party SDKs SDKs listed in commonly used SDKs: Firebase GoogleUtilities AppAuth RxSwift RxCocoa SDKs not listed in commonly used SDKs: SDK1 (uses required reason API) SDK2 (uses required reason API) SDK3 (uses required reason API) Note: All the above mentioned SDKs are already integrated in the current live app, not adding for the first time We are going to update our app soon (lets say after May 1, 2024) I have some questions: If I’m updating SDKs listed in commonly used SDKs and updating an old app that already includes these SDKs. Do I need to declare a privacy manifest file for these SDKs? If I’m not updating SDKs listed in commonly used SDKs and updating an old app that already includes these SDKs. Do i need to declare a privacy manifest file for these SDKs? If I’m updating SDKs not listed in commonly used SDKs and updating an old app that already includes these SDKs. Do I need to declare a privacy manifest file for these SDKs? If I’m not updating SDKs not listed in commonly used SDKs and updating an old app that already includes these SDKs. Do I need to declare a privacy manifest file for these SDKs?
Apr ’24