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I have an app which basically download a file, and when it finish it sends a callback to the first applet url = URL(string: "mainapp://downloaded-finished?now=true")!) NSApp.terminate(nil)At this point the alert popups stating that there is no app which is able to open that url scheme
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I don't care for this case, since I can handle the url from the webview itself, but I have another case where the application is launched form another tool, another application I develop, and this is important to be launched
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This is not clear to me. You say that it is happening because the webview is trying to render the custom URL scheme?Why this is not happening if the application is used without the installer?I made a test calling the custom url scheme from safari and it says 'Safari can't open specified address' because it does not recognize the custom protocol. (In a mac with the working custom url scheme Safari is able to open the address)
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It is slightly different:I open a new window, inside it I put a webview element.At a certain point, this window brows a url which is registered as URL scheme of the application, at this point an alert popups stating that there is no application registered to open that url.The special url is always open from inside my application.I'm able to replicate it everytime I remove the app from the Applications folder and reinstall it via the package installer, furthermore if I 'install' manually (just moving the .app into the Applications folder) the url scheme is recognized as usual.
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The steps are correct.In step 4 I have a redirect from a webview (an authentication server), which allows the user to login to the application, so the temporary code is sent back via the custom URL scheme.In particular what happens is:- user click on Login button- a webview is open with the authentication provider- the user fill the form- once the form is submitted, a redirect happen on the page which call the custom URL scheme, this redirect fails because there is no app registeredP.S.: the application is set as a service, it 'lives' in the top bar of the screen Antonio
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That's correct! running the command on the fresh machine makes the app working, what does it means?Furthermore I cannot run this custom command from the installer because it is not always present on the machine, or you suggest I should pack also the lsregister service file in the package installer?