Adding some basic print debugging into the recognitionHandler I can see that I was just exiting out of the view too soon - when results are done over the Internet, it just takes a long while to get a result! So if the user ends the scrum too soon, it looks like you lose anything that did not get translated.
As is possible with beta changes, the sample code no longer compiles.
One fix was easy: a button style for prominence was explicitly added in beta 5 -- now it is
Button {
} label: {
Image(systemName: "person.2.fill")
The other fix I am less sure of: the type alias for Task.Handle was deprecated, and if I use just Task it compiles, but now SharePlay won't start the Group Activity - it instead shows a toast where you have to "Choose Content to Use SharePlay".
It's unclear if this is a side effect of the Task change, or if there is an undocumented change in GroupActivities. Has anyone succeeded in running this code lately?
Thanks for the pointer - it got me a little further.I would also recommend if someone finds this thread the following: stuck but making progress.