




Improve audio match results - Android
Hello, Are the Android results expected to be similar to the iOS version? Tests below calculating after: "live audio offset - shazam predicted match offset" iOS Tests 16 ms 15 ms 18 ms 11 ms Android Tests 4823 ms -159 ms 4365 ms -4657 ms 900 ms *negative value means that Shazam returned a timestamp ahead of the live audio *tests were done against multiple audio files (studio recordings) How did I generate the signatures and catalogs? using Shazam CLI Android ShazamKit version: 2.0.0 What can we do to improve Android results? Best regards!
Oct ’22
Improve match results (iOS/ Android)
The resulted matches from a custom catalog on both iOS/ Android are a bit delayed (1-3+ seconds) How to test? (iOS) Prepare AVAudioPlayer with recorded audio. Load custom catalog & listen to recorded audio from an external source. When a match is found, play recorded audio from the AVAudioPlayer at: predictedCurrentMatchOffset Result: 1-3+ seconds delayed matches Question How to improve or filter the resulting matches to be close if not exact to the external audio source? Experimental Filtering results by frequencySkew close to 0, does not minimize delayed matches. [{     "sh_audioStartDate" = "2021-11-24 12:34:42 +0000";     "sh_frequencySkew" = "2.222024e-05";     "sh_matchOffset" = "388.3738065670163";     "sh_score" = "4302.546";     "sh_speedSkew" = "0.0009712927";     "sh_title" = ItemTitle; }] Printing the matchedMediaItems, there is a “sh_score”, maybe we can experiment with? But it’s not a public property Best regards.
Nov ’21
Android custom catalog match
Hello, we've encountered issues on Android using Custom Catalogs. On Android the only possible way to create a custom catalog is using .addFromCatalog() from a .shazamcatalog file, there is no method like iOS SDK provides .addReferenceSignature() to add a signature. Generating from iOS a .shazamcatalog file and loading in Android returns wrong values for query signature duration: Android catalog.minimumQuerySignatureDurationInMs: 3000 catalog.maximumQuerySignatureDurationInMs: 2147483647 iOS minQuerySignDuration: 1.0 seconds maxQuerySignDuration: 12.0 seconds No match resulting for Android but iOS works as expected. Is it possible to match against a custom catalog on Android? Any help will be much appreciated.
Nov ’21