




Key Bindings in Spanish keyboard not working as expected
When using a MacBook Pro with the Spanish keyboard (Spanish - ISO) the key bindings for Comand Shortcuts don't work as expected. Usually, they perform the action of another command. For example, Move Line Up, which is command + option + [, actually performs Shift Right (command + [). Some other Command Shortcuts like Run Playground (shift + command + enter) do work.It is important to note that some commands are also difficult to perform because their keys can't be reached without using alt or shift, yet these last keys are not mentioned in the Key Bindings for that command. For example, Size to Fit Content is command + =, but in the Spanish - ISO keyboard the equal sign "=" is accessible only through shift + 0. so the Key Binding for Size to Fit Content should be command + shift + 0.In Preferences > Key Bindings there are some conflicts (21 in total), but none of these include the Shortcut Commands that are showing unexpected behavior.In summary, Key Bindings are not working in the Spanish - ISO keyboard because they seem to be configured for the US English keyboard only. This is producing some unexpected results and is hindering developers with other keyboards that are not the US English.
Oct ’18