
Post marked as solved
10 Replies
You need to add @Relationship to var students: [Student] in Department model, also: import Foundation import SwiftData @Model class Department { ... @Relationship var students: [Student] ... }
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3 Replies
With CoreData, I'm able to create fetchRequest based on relationship, for example, fetch all items belong to given box let fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest<Item> = Item.fetchRequest() fetchRequest.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "box == %@", box) but it is not possible with Predicate let predicate = #Predicate<Item> { item in return == box } I wonder, Is there any solution for this?
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I just figure out that if we go to General -&gt; Select target -&gt; Add WebKit to Linked Frameworks and Libraries, then the app will not crash any more
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I have exactly the same thing. I can run the app with build button. But as soon as I open the app (in build folder), the app crash immediately. I have quiet big project and it makes me pull out my hair to locate this issue with webview, because i don't have any warning or error, so i have do split controller to controller until I can tell there is a problem with webview. I hope someone knows how to fix this issue