I have the same issue. It stucks on "In Progress"
macOS 12.6.1 & XCode14.1
I have simulator Xcode opened for seven hour and I have no kernel panic? The issue must be fixed.
I updated Xcode and macOS yesterday and I had a kernel panic after that.
macOS Monterey v.12.6
Xcode v14.0
Do anyone tried beta versions of macOS Ventura?
I find the solution for my case some minutes ago.
The project was an objective c project with cocos2d framework.
Just I delete the VALID_ARCH row at User-Defined at Build Settings and the project start to build on simulator.
I have the same issue to an old objective c project. Runs on device but no on simultator
I have the issue. Do you find a solution?
The issue remains on Xcode 13.3.1
I have no solution yet :(.