
Post marked as solved
1 Replies
The "Feed Fleet" app is what the applicant made outside the SSC. For the SSC it has to be completely offline — you can see some past submissions here:
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11 Replies
Seems to work in iOS 15, so this is what I'm doing now: requestAuthorization {   /// got permissions } func requestAuthorization(completion: @escaping (() -> Void)) {   if #available(iOS 15, *) { /// works, so use `addOnly`     PHPhotoLibrary.requestAuthorization(for: .addOnly) { (status) in       if status == .authorized || status == .limited {         completion()       }     }   } else if #available(iOS 14, *) { /// use `readWrite` directly instead. This will ask for both read and write access, but at least it doesn't crash...     PHPhotoLibrary.requestAuthorization(for: .readWrite) { (status) in       if status == .authorized || status == .limited {         completion()       }     }   } else { /// for older iOS just do `requestAuthorization`     PHPhotoLibrary.requestAuthorization { (status) in       if status == .authorized {         completion()       }     }   } }
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1 Replies
Can you use images in your submission? Definitely. PaintCode-generated code is pretty much the equivalent of an image... it shouldn't matter, I think.
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1 Replies
Yep, Swift Playgrounds only needs iPad.
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16 Replies
Here's some similar problems: When running on older iOS Simulator, error “Failed to start launchd_sim: could not bind to session, launchd_sim may have crashed or quit responding” - (I asked) Simulator crashing with iOS < 14. Started happening since Big Sur - iOS Simulator is Crashing on startup -
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20 Replies
Same here. Here's some similar problems: When running on older iOS Simulator, error “Failed to start launchd_sim: could not bind to session, launchd_sim may have crashed or quit responding” - (I asked) "Failed to start launchd_sim: could not bind to session, launchd_sim may have crashed" - iOS Simulator is Crashing on startup -
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18 Replies
EDIT: Deleted contents of ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport, as @tszpan suggested, and after a while it's working now! Just updated to Xcode 12 GM and this is happening.
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2 Replies
Hey @Claude31, thanks for your help! It's now working if I do @GestureState private var isPressed = false ... let drag = DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0) .updating($isPressed) { (value, gestureState, transaction) in gestureState = true } return content .gesture(drag) .onChange(of: isPressed, perform: { (pressed) in if pressed { print("changed") } else { print("ended") } }) as suggested by someone else and also Apple. Here's the feedback Apple sent: Thank you for filing this feedback report. We reviewed your report and determined the behavior you experienced is currently functioning as intended. The gesture is cancelled in this case not ended (two fingers can't match a one-finger drag). You can use GestureState to handle the cancellation. You can close this feedback by clicking on the "Close Feedback" link. Thank you.
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2 Replies
I think these are the currently supported languages (in iOS 14): [ "en-US" , "fr-FR" , "it-IT" , "de-DE" , "es-ES" , "pt-BR" , "zh-Hans" , "zh-Hant" ] Dansk isn't on there -- the most similar would probably be "de-DE" (German). And in iOS 13, the only supported language is "en-US". Check out this blog (it's in Japanese but you can use Google Translate)
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11 Replies
Yep, same crash here. I'm adding a CALayer that animates its width. libxpc.dylib`_xpc_api_misuse:   0x7fff522fe0b4 <+0>:  pushq %rbp   0x7fff522fe0b5 <+1>:  movq  %rsp, %rbp   0x7fff522fe0b8 <+4>:  pushq %rbx   0x7fff522fe0b9 <+5>:  subq  $0xa8, %rsp   0x7fff522fe0c0 <+12>: movq  %rdi, %r9   0x7fff522fe0c3 <+15>: movaps 0xdc06(%rip), %xmm0    ; __xpcVersionNumber + 160   0x7fff522fe0ca <+22>: leaq  -0xb0(%rbp), %rbx   0x7fff522fe0d1 <+29>: movaps %xmm0, 0x90(%rbx)   0x7fff522fe0d8 <+36>: movaps %xmm0, 0x80(%rbx)   0x7fff522fe0df <+43>: movaps %xmm0, 0x70(%rbx)   0x7fff522fe0e3 <+47>: movaps %xmm0, 0x60(%rbx)   0x7fff522fe0e7 <+51>: movaps %xmm0, 0x50(%rbx)   0x7fff522fe0eb <+55>: movaps %xmm0, 0x40(%rbx)   0x7fff522fe0ef <+59>: movaps %xmm0, 0x30(%rbx)   0x7fff522fe0f3 <+63>: movaps %xmm0, 0x20(%rbx)   0x7fff522fe0f7 <+67>: movaps %xmm0, 0x10(%rbx)   0x7fff522fe0fb <+71>: movaps %xmm0, (%rbx)   0x7fff522fe0fe <+74>: leaq  0x115ad(%rip), %r8    ; "XPC API Misuse: %s"   0x7fff522fe105 <+81>: movl  $0xa0, %esi   0x7fff522fe10a <+86>: movl  $0xa0, %ecx   0x7fff522fe10f <+91>: movq  %rbx, %rdi   0x7fff522fe112 <+94>: movl  $0x0, %edx   0x7fff522fe117 <+99>: xorl  %eax, %eax   0x7fff522fe119 <+101>: callq 0x7fff5230add8      ; symbol stub for: __snprintf_chk   0x7fff522fe11e <+106>: movq  %rbx, 0x37abe863(%rip)  ; gCRAnnotations + 8   0x7fff522fe125 <+113>: leaq  0x11599(%rip), %rax    ; "API Misuse"   0x7fff522fe12c <+120>: movq  %rax, 0x37abe85d(%rip)  ; gCRAnnotations + 16> 0x7fff522fe133 <+127>: ud2    I'm only getting this issue on the iOS 13.6 simulator, not on a real device.
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2 Replies
See my answer here - I have both a SwiftUI and UIKit solution.