




Archive header path missing InstallationBuildProductsLocation/usr/local/include
I recently refactored a bunch of code. I split the original ios app into a couple of frameworks so that I could reuse them. I am able to build and run in the simulator and on my test devices. I can not build an achiveMy build dependecies areiOSApp -> CommonFramework -> Static libWhen I build iOSApp for archive I noticed that the publis static lib header files get copiedCpHeader STW.h ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iOSApp-fzfjswokuxdnzucfawrmvgtbhuep/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/iOSApp/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/usr/local/include/STW.hWhen CommonFramework builds I get an error can not find STW.hIn the static librarybuild setting -> build locations -> configuration_build_dir for the release configuration is $(BUILD_DIR)/$(CONFIGURATION)$(EFFECTIVE_PLATFORM_NAME)build setting -> build locations -> configuration_temp_dir for the release configuration is $(PROJECT_TEMP_DIR)/$(CONFIGURATION)$(EFFECTIVE_PLATFORM_NAME)build setting -> packaging ->PUBLIC_HEADER_FOLDER_PATH for the release configuration is /usr/loca/includeThe search paths at compile time for the common Framework project-I~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iOSApp-fzfjswokuxdnzucfawrmvgtbhuep/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/iOSApp/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/ these values get over ridden by the iOS App setting?Any idea where/what my configuration issue might be or how to debug this?Where does "InstallationBuildProductsLocation" come from?thanksAndy
Apr ’18
can not use fileMerge on swift files
StrangeI am using the latest version of the comand line tools (03/28/2018)when I try to use fileMerge on a swift file with git It hangs and produces a ton of error messages2018-05-02 10:23:22.363 FileMerge[3399:182867] Couldn't load language spec for '<DVTSourceCodeLanguage:0x7f8d2331c990:'Xcode.SourceCodeLanguage.Swift'>'The really strange part is it looks like the error message are automatically piped through less (might have something to do with git). If I scroll through all the messages eventually file merge comes upAny ideas?thanksAndy
May ’18