I’m having trouble with binding an argument buffer. I’m using spirv_cross to produce MSL from GLSL so my shader setup is a bit unusual and I’m not sure if what I’m trying to do is supported or not.
If I set up the argument buffer like this:
struct spvDescriptorSetBuffer0
/* used by the vertex function only */
constant ArgsTransform* transform [[id(0)]];
/* used by the fragment function only */
constant Args* uniform_buffer [[id(1)]];
The shader reads the bound values correctly.
However, I have separate vertex and fragment shader MSL files (because I generate from GLSL using spirv_cross). The MSL for the arg buffer looks like this:
Separate vertex MSL file
struct spvDescriptorSetBuffer0
constant ArgsTransform* transform [[id(0)]];
Separate fragment MSL file
struct spvDescriptorSetBuffer0
constant Args* uniform_buffer [[id(1)]];
In this case, when the fragment shader reads uniform_buffer, which is [[id(1)]], it gets the “transform” data that was bound at index 0 (that was set by calling setBuffer(_:offset:index:), passing 0 to index.
Adding constant ArgsTransform* transform [[id(0)]]; to that struct in the fragment MSL file makes uniform_buffer return expected values.
Is this the intended behavior? The documentation for the function is here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/metal/mtlargumentencoder/2915785-setbuffer
The index of the buffer within the argument buffer. This value corresponds to either the index ID of a Metal shading language declaration or the index field of a MTLArgumentDescriptor object.
The docs say "either" - it's not clear to me which one is supposed to take effect here. Either way, I think I am setting BOTH the "index ID of a MSL declaration" and the "index field of MTLArgumentDescriptor"
My argument descriptors for the arg buffer are here:
MTLArgumentDescriptorInternal: 0x122670cc0
dataType = MTLDataTypePointer
index = 0
arrayLength = 0
access = MTLArgumentAccessReadOnly
textureType = MTLTextureType2D
constantBlockAlignment = default,
MTLArgumentDescriptorInternal: 0x122670da0
dataType = MTLDataTypePointer
index = 1
arrayLength = 0
access = MTLArgumentAccessReadOnly
textureType = MTLTextureType2D
constantBlockAlignment = default,
I was hoping to make this setup work because if it did, then I could treat argument buffers like vulkan descriptor sets.