




ICDeviceBrowser fails to find any devices after iOS 18 update
I have an app that uses the ImageCaptureCore's ICDeviceBrowser to find and connect to external digital cameras. Prior to iOS 18 this worked just fine, the device browser would start up and find any cameras connected via USB. However since the update the device browser fails to ever detect any connected device or to trigger any delegate events at all after browser start. I noticed that the Contents authorization in iOS 18 is undetermined, where in previous iOS versions it would default to authorized. I tried to resolve this by requesting authorization, however this immediately returns denied without ever having prompted the app user for permission. I do have the Camera Privacy Usage description setup, and also am able to request permission for the iOS camera successfully. How can I successfully request contents authorization via ICC or otherwise? Or are there alternative Apple libraries I can use for finding and connecting to external digital cameras on iOS?
Jun ’24
How to install custom iOS app from ABM on MacOS?
I want to install a custom iOS app (distributed via Apple Business Manager) on MacOS devices. I've confirmed that the app can run on MacOS via an ad-hoc distribution, however I can't figure out how to get it from ABM to a Mac device. I am able to distribute the app to iOS devices via a MDM and/or redemption codes (from ABM), however the codes don't work for Mac devices and I don't necessarily want to register the Mac devices with an MDM in order to install the app. I get the following error from the AppStore when attempting to install the app with a redemption code on MacOS Ventura: This code must be redeemed in the App Store found on devices and within iTunes
Mar ’23
What options are available for bulk-purchasing of a Freemium app?
I am building a Freemium app. So some of the functionality will be locked behind a paywall. Ideally the way a user would unlock the additional features is by purchasing an in-app purchase. However the main target audience for the app will be companies, so I want to make use of Apple Business Manager to allow for bulk purchasing of my app. The problem is I am unclear on whether Business users will be able to bulk-purchase the In-App Purchases to unlock the app's premium feature, or whether my only option is to release a completely unlocked version of the app for Business customers?
Jul ’20