Wow, I literally just found this out myself 20 minutes ago and came on here to share it. Thank you! (It saves me ~170 lines lmao)
When trying to get the info on an iCloud file that isn’t downloaded, it gives me the kind Alias. This is due to the .iCloud extension.
I tried resolving the original url but it won’t give me it because the file doesn’t actually think it’s an alias.
Getting the description through the UTType is still a problem because it doesn’t match the info pane.
Is it possible to get the type through extension or somehow get the iCloud file in a reasonable amount of time?
Lol, that kind of thread! Will do. Thank you so much for all your help. Enjoy WWDC! @eskimo
Sorry for the number formatting on the question. I missed the edit window.
Here's an example path that the URL would point to → /Users/username/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Storage/Downloads/.fabrizio-conti-6ACqcrupN2M-unsplash.jpg.icloud
Hey that’s okay! I figured this was gonna be tricky from the get go. I’ll submit a DTS ticket and wait till after WWDC, I’m in no rush. I’ll be sure to post the response here. Thank you 😌