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user token can go under the header Music-User-Token see example here in "Authenticate Requests" section
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Hi Daniel, Unfortunately Apple Music APIs do not support this currently however we have noted your feedback.
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18 Replies
Hi, the update is that Apple Music API only allows adding to the cloud library Cloud Library and editable playlists at this time. We are still aware that developers using Apple Music API would like the ability to work with the library in additional including deleting tracks from the user's library.
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Hi kaspertik, Are you using MusicKitJs or are you using the token to query the APIs directly? Is the token being added as a header to network requests with Authorization: Bearer {token}? In addition, can you ensure you are using the correct teamId and keyId for that private key you are signing your tokens with?
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Once the user is authorized you can play the song. You can use the seekToTime method to seek to specific parts of the song
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Hi, are you still having issues with this? after user authorization library content can be accessed via the library apis like so let music = MusicKit.getInstance(); let album = music.api.album(1025210938); User authorization can be triggered via markup <button id="apple-music-authorize"></button> or via javascript authorize method like so let music = MusicKit.getInstance(); // This is called with or without authorization:; // This ensures user authorization before calling play(): music.authorize().then(function() { &#9;; }); // You can wrap any method to ensure authorization before calling: music.authorize().then(function() { &#9; music.api.library.albums.then(function(cloudAlbums) { &#9;&#9; // user's cloudAlbums &#9; }); });
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The expiration is 6 months currently
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Is this still happening for you? Please let me know if you still see this offset not being honored or any other issues and if not feel free to mark as resolved
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6 Replies
To solve this problem, we have a relationship on the library-songs called "catalog" which you can request like{library-id}?include=catalog if the library-song has a catalog counterpart, this should come back and that catalog song will have the ISRC. Let me know if that helps.
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if the "type" in the response is library-songs we don't have an ISRC field unfortunately. Once you add a song to your playlist, it adds a new library song. Even though these are Apple Music songs, anything added to your library will be a library-song. Am I correct is saying you are seeing this on library-songs resources?
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Hi, yes we cannot determine the ISRC for a library song since those are often user uploaded songs. Here is the documentation for a library song
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Hi blackarcanis Can you specify which songs exactly were missing ISRC? I see this on all songs I have tried for example this one below
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22 Replies
Hi,Please try adding a space after Bearerheaders = {'Authorization': "Bearer " + token}Hope that helps!
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Per the documentation on the library, please put the payload as the first argument in the sign method should include{ "iss": "DEF123GHIJ", "iat": 1437179036, "exp": 1493298100}per
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Hi,It seems this is not using musickit so if this issue still persists please repot to,