
Post not yet marked as solved
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Hi,we implemented downloading vimeo hosted hls streams using AVAssetDownloadTask, but when attempting to play downloaded hls in airplane mode, sometimes it fails with NSURLErrorNotConnectedToInternet error. Usually downloaded videos work fine even when AVURLAsset is created from that filesystem *.movpkg url.Before playing we check assetCache.isPlayableOffline and it's true! There are no subtitles or audio tracks, anything in the streams. How is it possible that iOS tells me I can play this without connection and then it doesn't work.I checked AVPlayerItem's access and error logs and usually there are no error entries and access entries, but when there's an error entry it's for the master playlist url, but I see the playlist and stream downloaded when inspecting .movpkg directory and nothing suspicious in those xml.I'm kinda lost now and don't know how to further investigate issue. Thanks for any help!
by Zycon.
Last updated