




IPhone system album video can not play
We have received a lot of user feedback, saying that our app caused the video in the user's system album to not play, we did reproduce this phenomenon after operating some modules of our app many times, after monitoring the device log, click on the system album z probably received the following abnormal error VideoContentProvider received result:<AVPlayerItem: 0x281004850, asset = <AVURLAsset: 0x28128fce0, URL = file:///var/mobile/Media/DCIM/100APPLE/IMG_0085.MP4>>, info:{ PHImageResultRequestIDKey = 316; }, priority:oneup automatic, strategy:<PXDisplayAssetVideoContentDeliveryStrategy: 0x2836c3000>quality: medium+(med-high), segment:{ nan - nans }, streaming:YES, network:YES, audio:YES, targetSize:{1280, 1280}, displayAsset:8E30C461-B089-4142-82D9-3A8CFF3B5DE9 <PUBrowsingVideoPlayer: 0xc46a59770> Asset : <PHAsset: 0xc48f5fc50> 8E30C461-B089-4142-82D9-3A8CFF3B5DE9/L0/001 mediaType=2/524288, sourceType=1, (828x1792), creationDate=2023-07-19 上午7:36:41 +0000, location=0, hidden=0, favorite=0, adjusted=0 VideoSession : <PXVideoSession 0xc48a1ec50> { Content Provider: <PXPhotoKitVideoContentProvider: 0x282d441e0>, Asset <PHAsset: 0xc48f5fc50> 8E30C461-B089-4142-82D9-3A8CFF3B5DE9/L0/001 mediaType=2/524288, sourceType=1, (828x1792), creationDate=2023-07-19 上午7:36:41 +0000, location=0, hidden=0, favorite=0, adjusted=0 , Media Provider: <PUPhotoKitMediaProvider: 0x28104da70> Desired Play State: Paused Play State: Paused Stalled: 0 At Beginning: 1 End: 0 Playback: ‖ Paus √ b0 a0 s0 l1 f0 e0 r0.0 0.000/60.128 VideoOutput: (null) Got First Pixel Buffer: NO Pixel Buffer Frame Drops: 0 Buffering: 0 }: Starting disabling of video loading for reason: OutOfFocus <PUBrowsingVideoPlayer: 0xc46de66e0> Asset : <PHAsset: 0xc48f5f1d0> 11ECA95E-0B79-4C7C-97C6-5958EE139BAB/L0/001 mediaType=2/0, sourceType=1, (1080x1920), creationDate=2023-09-21 上午7:54:46 +0000, location=1, hidden=0, favorite=0, adjusted=0 VideoSession : (null): Starting disabling of video loading for reason: OutOfFocus I think this message is imporant VideoSession : (null): Starting disabling of video loading for reason: OutOfFocus restart the iPhone can resolve this anomalous ,can you know reason or how to avoid this bug the bug like :
Sep ’23