




Reply to Proper way to display error alert during drawing from main thread
@Claude31 -- my Main thread is drawing the content of the window (quite complex). Sometimes -- rarely -- it may encounter errors in MY CODE related to fonts or layout issues. When this happens I need the user to OK sending an error report back to us. So we put up a couple of modal alerts (they might even be modal dialogs). I've read there's a way to allow these to draw on a secondary thread? Is that the right way to handle this kind of situation?
Oct ’22
Reply to NSSharingService with email for 3rd-party apps
As of February 2023, this code DOES launch Outlook, but will NOT attach a document to the Outlook-created email: ` NSString* msgText = @"This is text for the body of the email"; NSMutableAttributedString *maStr = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:msgText attributes:@{ } ]; NSSharingService* mailShare = [NSSharingService sharingServiceNamed:NSSharingServiceNameComposeEmail]; NSArray* shareItems = @[maStr, fileToSendURL]; [mailShare performWithItems:shareItems];` Anyone?
Feb ’23