Getting this error:
'Task' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newerSourceKit
LoggerForPreviews.swift(130, 9): Add 'if #available' version check
LoggerForPreviews.swift(129, 24): Add @available attribute to enclosing static method
LoggerForPreviews.swift(5, 20): Add @available attribute to enclosing actor
Does it have something to do with developing in VSCode?
import Foundation
import SwiftUI
// Logger: A concise, globally accessible logging utility for SwiftUI previews
public final actor PreviewLogger: Sendable {
// LogLevel: Defines severity levels for logging
public enum LogLevel: Int, Sendable, CaseIterable {
// Define cases based on LOG_LEVEL_MAP
case trace, debug, verbose, info, notice, warning, error, critical, fatal
// Computed property to get order based on case declaration
private var order: Int {
switch self {
case .trace: return 0
case .debug: return 1
case .verbose: return 2
case .info: return 3
case .notice: return 4
case .warning: return 5
case .error: return 6
case .critical: return 7
case .fatal: return 8
public var description: String {
// Use capitalized raw value for description
return String(describing: self).uppercased()
// Static function to compare log levels
static func >= (lhs: LogLevel, rhs: LogLevel) -> Bool {
return lhs.order >= rhs.order
// Shared instance for global access
public static let shared = PreviewLogger()
// Current log level
public var logLevelThreshold: LogLevel = .info
private init() {}
// Configure the logger's log level
public func configure(logLevelThreshold: LogLevel) {
self.logLevelThreshold = logLevelThreshold
// Helper function to center text within a given width
private func centered(_ text: String, in separator: String) -> String {
let totalLength = separator.count
let textLength = text.count
if textLength >= totalLength {
return text
let padding = (totalLength - textLength) / 2
let padString = String(repeating: " ", count: padding)
return padString + text
// Main logging function
public func log(
_ message: String,
level: LogLevel = .info,
file: String = #file,
function: String = #function,
line: Int = #line,
callerFile: String? = nil,
callerFunction: String? = nil,
callerLine: Int? = nil
) {
guard ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["XCODE_RUNNING_FOR_PREVIEWS"] == "1" else {
guard level >= logLevelThreshold else { return }
let fileName = (file as NSString).lastPathComponent
let cleanFunction = function.replacingOccurrences(of: "(_:file:function:line:)", with: "")
let levelIcon: String
switch level {
case .trace: levelIcon = "π"
case .debug: levelIcon = "π οΈ"
case .verbose: levelIcon = "π"
case .info: levelIcon = "βΉοΈ"
case .notice: levelIcon = "π’"
case .warning: levelIcon = "β οΈ"
case .error: levelIcon = "β"
case .critical: levelIcon = "π¨"
case .fatal: levelIcon = "π"
let header = "[\(levelIcon) \(level.description)]"
let separator =
"Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β·"
let finalSeparator =
let centeredHeader = centered(header, in: separator)
var output = """
let locationInfo = "π \(fileName):\(line) β \(cleanFunction)"
let centeredLocation = centered(locationInfo, in: separator)
output += "\n\(centeredLocation)"
if let callerFile = callerFile,
let callerLine = callerLine
let callerFileName = (callerFile as NSString).lastPathComponent
let callerInfo = "π± Called from: \(callerFileName):\(callerLine)"
let centeredCallerInfo = centered(callerInfo, in: separator)
output += "\n\(centeredCallerInfo)"
output += """
// Static Methods
public static func configure(logLevelThreshold: LogLevel) {
Task {
await shared.configure(logLevelThreshold: logLevelThreshold)
public static func log(
_ message: String,
level: LogLevel = .info,
file: String = #file,
function: String = #function,
line: Int = #line,
callerFile: String? = nil,
callerFunction: String? = nil,
callerLine: Int? = nil
) {
Task {
await shared.log(
level: level,
file: file,
function: function,
line: line,
callerFile: callerFile,
callerFunction: callerFunction,
callerLine: callerLine