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Hi Guys,We are getting an error on Critical alerts notifications packet.Here is the packet we are getting from APNS.Notification willPresent{ aps = { alert = { body = "ios created a post."; title = "Wesafe IOS"; }; badge = 1; sound = "{\"volume\":1,\"critical\":1,\"name\":\"emergencyTone.mp3\"}"; }; badge = 1; body = "ios created a post."; critical = 1; "emergency_msg" = ""; "gcm.message_id" = "0:1559464964286355%418b479b418b479b"; "gcm.notification.critical" = 1; "gcm.notification.emergency_msg" = ""; "gcm.notification.latitude" = ""; "gcm.notification.longitude" = ""; "" = "emergencyTone.mp3"; "gcm.notification.notification_type" = 3; "gcm.notification.volume" = 1; "google.c.a.e" = 1; label = ""; latitude = ""; longitude = ""; msg = "ios created a post."; "notification_type" = 3; sound = "emergencyTone.mp3"; title = "Wesafe IOS";}You can see that - sound = "{\"volume\":1,\"critical\":1,\"name\":\"emergencyTone.mp3\"}";is coming in sting format.We tried all different ways to send this packet but APNS server is always sending this in string format with hashes.All other notifications expect this is absolutely working fine.Could you help us to know the issue behind this error? Please
by Urfan.
Last updated