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I'm hoping someone might point me in the right direction to fix an issue I'm having with a Map view. I'm using the latest XCode 15, targetting iOS 17. I have a map view where the user can tap on the map to create a new annotation marker. However after adding the onTapGesture handler my MapUserLocationButton isn't triggered, instead it drops a pin behind where the button is. The compass button still works which is odd. Here's the code for the view (with a few bits removed to keep it concise) struct LocationsMapView: View { @Environment(\.modelContext) private var context @Query private var locations: [SavedLocation] @Binding var path: NavigationPath @State private var position: MapCameraPosition = .automatic @State private var selectedLocation: SavedLocation? @State var placedCreateLocationPin = false @State var createLocationCoord :CLLocationCoordinate2D? = nil var body: some View { GeometryReader { proxy in MapReader{ reader in Map(position: $position, selection: $selectedLocation){ if let pl = createLocationCoord { if placedCreateLocationPin{ Annotation("New Location", coordinate: pl){ Image("PinIcon") .resizable() .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit) .frame(width: 44, height: 44) } } } } .mapStyle(.hybrid) .safeAreaInset(edge: .bottom){ if placedCreateLocationPin { Button { if let pl = createLocationCoord{ let vm = CreateLocationViewModel(location: pl) path.append(vm) placedCreateLocationPin = false } } label: { Text("Create Location") } } } .mapControls{ MapCompass() MapUserLocationButton() } .onTapGesture(perform: { screenCoord in placedCreateLocationPin.toggle() let pl = reader.convert(screenCoord, from: .local) print("tapped location: \(pl?.latitude ?? 0.0) \(pl?.longitude ?? 0.0)") createLocationCoord = pl }) } } } }
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