
Post marked as Apple Recommended
Before running the open command I ran the following and I was able to use Xcode 13.2.1 in Venura. sudo xcode-select -s /Users/username/Downloads/
Post marked as Apple Recommended
I have tried the most common suggestion of running it from command line but no luck. Command: open /Users/username/Downloads/ Error: Xcode[3762:21719] [MT] IDEPackageInstallerHelper: Generic message for error: Error Domain=PKInstallErrorDomain Code=201 "An error occurred establishing a connection to the installation service." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=An error occurred establishing a connection to the installation service.} I'm unable to download and install command line tools separately. It complains about the macOS version. I share the same sentiment as @zumacinsmity. On a regular day I support versions of the apps that are developed using older versions of Xcode. At least one major version older. In my case I was trying to install Xcode 13.2.1
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8 Replies
@awsw please see You need to create the plist manually.
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I still see the problem in XCode 13.2.1. However, this only happens if I use the command line. Randomly fails with this error in pods. xcodebuild archive
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17 Replies
Earlier I mentioned that @beruta's solution worked for me but it started failing again. What worked for me is cleaning Xcode project build files. "About This Mac" -> Storage -> Manage -> Developer This is also a neat way to clear up some space when you are running out.
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Replied In WKWebview
Your app will not be removed. However, functionality is not guaranteed for deprecated APIs.
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You can get the Javascript to work by adding the WKWebView to the view hierarchy. You can hide the web view by giving it a zero rect. let config = WKWebViewConfiguration() _webView = WKWebView.init(frame:, configuration: config) instanceOfYourView.addSubview(_webView!)
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Assuming the website you are loading uses User-Agent to change content/layout/presentation the following will work. let config = WKWebViewConfiguration() if #available(iOS 13.0, *) { /** In iOS 13 and above WKWebViews in iPad has the ability to render desktop versions of web pages. One of the properties they change to support this is the User-Agent. Therefore forcing the WKWebView to load the mobile version. */ let pref = WKWebpagePreferences.init() pref.preferredContentMode = .mobile config.defaultWebpagePreferences = pref } _webView = WKWebView.init(frame:, configuration: config)
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Were you able to figure this out? I found two related threads; a post
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Use customVideoCompositorClass of AVMutableVideoComposition to implement the filters.
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Documentation: Adding text in AVPlayerItem /* Inputs: AVPlayerItem, UIView (the view used to playback the video */ static func addWatermark(playerItem: AVPlayerItem, playerView: UIView) { // Set up a synchronized layer to sync the layer timing of its subtree // with the playback of the playerItem/ let syncLayer = AVSynchronizedLayer.init(playerItem: playerItem) // These sublayers will be synchronized. if let layer = /* Create your CALayer for your water mark here*/ { syncLayer.addSublayer(layer) } playerView.layer.addSublayer(syncLayer) }