




Reply to Xcode Cloud "The bundle version must be higher than the previously uploaded version."
I figured out the issue. The build number is incorrect, because Xcode Cloud sets it itself, even if you define it yourself. According to this document, it always starts from (1) and increments. So, if you have an existing build in TestFlight (say version 1.0.0) and have previously submitted builds and manually incremented the build number, it might be at, say build (10). Then when you start your Xcode Cloud builds it just defaults to build (1) and increments from there, failing when it gets to the 'submit to App Store Connect' stage because the build number it's decided on (1) – regardless of what you've set in the project – is lower than the build for the existing version (10). You can either keep running builds until you get to the build number already in TestFlight 🤨 or bump your version (e.g. to 1.0.1) and App Store Connect resets its expectations for build numbers.
Jan ’23