If I change @Binding to @State var id = UUID(), then the app says id (at id: item.id) is only available in iOS 15.0 or newer.
That's very kind of you. Thanks a lot. Well, if I remove '@Binding var id: UUID,' I get an error over id ($0.id == id). Do you know what I should do?
Thanks. I've realized that as well.
Thanks. Are you telling me to just use DispatchQueue.main.async, then?
Thanks. Where are you calling setup - in BaseViewController's required init?
Thanks. I haver never mentioned the MVVM architecture, though.
Actually, the index issue is not resolved.
Thanks a lot. That solves the index issue. But the simulator still starts with no value for the second Picker, though.
That's exactly what I'm talking about. I've asked Google about "SwiftUI Publishers.CombineLatest and figured out I had to use ObservableObject after going through a few dozen websites. I don't think I could figure it out on my own. Thanks a lot.
Yes. You are quite attentive. That solves the problem. Thanks a lot.
Thanks. But this question is not about completionHandler, async/await or the Future. Besides, the Future part is working.
I didn't know there's a solution in NSWindow. Thanks a lot.
I can confirm to you that your version runs without a problem.
I see. You have taken my 'subject' out of the getGitData function. That makes sense.