Hello, I am rather new at publishing apps for Iphone and I am facing some difficulties. Maybe someone could point me what I am not understanding.
I am having some issues handling the usage of the Development Certificate . I have created a CSR, supplied it at apple.developer system to get a development certificate. I downloaded such a certificate and installed it. When I try to use it I get this status saying it is not trusted :
The result is this when trying to use it:
/Users/eao/build/dev/aquila_companion.xcodeproj: error: Missing private key for signing certificate. Failed to locate the private key matching certificate "Apple Development: Tiago DAagostini (GDH9UYDL8A)" in the keychain. To sign with this signing certificate, install its private key in your keychain. If you don't have the private key, select a different signing certificate for CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY in the build settings editor. (in target 'appaquila_companion' from project 'aquila_companion')
What am I missing? Where this p12 key should be? And is that related to that image where the Certificate is deemed not trusted?
I have seen several posts around the internet from years past with complains of such a problem, the review is rejected with :
"ITMS-90111: Invalid Toolchain - Your app was built with a beta version of Xcode or SDK. Apps submitted to the App Store must be built with the GM version of Xcode 10.1 and the SDK for iOS 12.1 and watchOS 5.1, Xcode 7.1 and the SDK for tvOS 9, or Xcode 6 and the SDK for macOS 10.9 or later. If you are using an Xcode beta version to test your app, make sure you are using the latest supported version. "
My XCode is 14.1 and I am using github Continuous integration to build it. Any hint on how can I track what is wrong? Each and every post I found on the subject ended either without any answer or just saying to wait for apple to fix it.