
Post not yet marked as solved
3 Replies
This doesn't seem to work anymore in iOS 13, has anyone figured out another way?
Post marked as solved
2 Replies
Hmm, oddly it turned out to be an issue with the set-column-narrative. Removing that from both fixed it.
Post not yet marked as solved
2 Replies
So it seems that the CLIPS IDE doesn't quite work the same way as Instruments. After a few tweaks I had the following working:(deftemplate state-update (slot time (type INTEGER)) (slot state (type STRING)) ) (deftemplate state-interval (slot start (type INTEGER)) (slot duration (type INTEGER)) (slot state (type STRING)) ) (defrule MODELER::update-state ?signpost <- (os-signpost (subsystem "com.hudl.magician") (category "LoggingAVPlayer") (name "reasonForWaitingToPlay") (event-type "Event") (message$ ?state) (time ?time) (identifier ?identifier) ) (not (state-update (time ?) (state ?))) => (retract ?signpost) (assert (state-update (time ?time) (state ?state))) (log-narrative "update-state %string%" state) ) (defrule MODELER::pair-state ?signpost <- (os-signpost (subsystem "com.hudl.magician") (category "LoggingAVPlayer") (name "reasonForWaitingToPlay") (event-type "Event") (message$ ?state) (time ?time) (identifier ?identifier) ) ?update <- (state-update (time ?time1) (state ?state1)) => (modify ?update (time ?time) (state ?state)) (retract ?signpost) (bind ?duration (- ?time ?time1)) (assert (state-interval (start ?time1) (duration ?duration) (state ?state1))) (log-narrative "Paired between %string% and %string%" ?state1 ?state) ) (defrule RECORDER::record-reason-interval (table (table-id ?output) (side append)) (table-attribute (table-id ?output) (has schema reason-interval)) ?interval <- (state-interval (start ?start) (duration ?duration) (state ?state)) => (create-new-row ?output) (set-column start ?start) (set-column duration ?duration) (set-column state ?state) (set-column-narrative "recording for %start-time%, %string%" ?start ?state) (retract ?interval) )I'm curious as to how I could have better iterated on this in the CLIPS IDE & also if there's a better way I could have done this?