




Putting a UITextInput and UITextView in a Container or UITableView?
I am creating a to-do list app. I need help or guidance in creating the following UITextInput and UITextView put it into some sort of container to get the rounded corners. I have tried to create it by implementing a UITableView, creating 2 cells. One with TextInput and one with TextView but it doesn't work, I have a feeling it's a wrong approach or there might be a better way to achieve this. Any guidance or help would be appreciated.
Nov ’21
How to increase or decrease the probability of an item being picked from an array?
Lets say I have an array of numbers like this: // Create Array Of Numbers let numbers = ["1","2","3","4","5"] If I want to print a random number from the array, I can do something like: pickedNumber = Int.random(in: 0...numbers.count - 1) The above line will return a random value from my array. What I would like to do is, set a probability for each value in the array. For example: - Chance of 1 being picked at 10% - Chance of 2 being picked at 20% - Chance of 3 being picked at 30% - Chance of 4 being picked at 35% - Chance of 5 being picked at 5% What's the best approach for this? Any guidance or advice would be appreciated. This problem I am facing is in swiftUI.
Feb ’22
No ObservableObject found
Here is the full error: `Fatal error: No ObservableObject of type LocationsViewModel found. A View.environmentObject(_:) for LocationsViewModel may be missing as an ancestor of this view.` I am essentially creating an app. The user can login/register. Once the user logs in they see a map view (MapKit). Here is just the main code (excluding the login/register parts). Any idea what i am doing wrong? // MARK: MAP SCREEN struct UserScreen: View {   @Binding var sucessLogin : Bool   @StateObject private var vm = LocationsViewModel()       var body: some View{     ZStack{       Map(coordinateRegion: $vm.mapRegion)         .ignoresSafeArea()               VStack(spacing: 0){         VStack{           Button(action: vm.toggleLocationsList){             Text( + ", " + vm.mapLocation.cityName)               .font(.title2)               .fontWeight(.black)               .foregroundColor(.white)               .frame(height: 55)               .frame(maxWidth: .infinity)               .background(Color("Theme"))               .overlay(alignment: .leading){                 Image(systemName: "arrow.down")                   .font(.headline)                   .foregroundColor(.white)                   .padding()               }           }           if vm.showLocationsList{             LocationsListView()           }         }         .background(.thickMaterial)         .cornerRadius(10)         .shadow(color:, radius: 20, x: 0, y: 15)         .padding()         Spacer()       }     }     .navigationTitle("")     .navigationBarHidden(true)     .navigationBarBackButtonHidden(true)   } } I then have a LocationsViewModel which is in a different SwiftUI View file because I have a custom dropdown menu, here is the code: // MARK: MAP Screen ViewModel class LocationsViewModel: ObservableObject{   @Published var locations: [Location]   @Published var mapLocation: Location{     didSet{       updateMapRegion(location: mapLocation)     }   }       //Show current region on map   @Published var mapRegion: MKCoordinateRegion = MKCoordinateRegion()   let mapSpan = MKCoordinateSpan(latitudeDelta: 0.1, longitudeDelta: 0.1)       // Show list of locations   @Published var showLocationsList: Bool = false       init(){     let locations = LocationsDataService.locations     self.locations = locations     self.mapLocation = locations.first!     self.updateMapRegion(location: locations.first!)   }       private func updateMapRegion(location: Location){     withAnimation(.easeInOut){       mapRegion = MKCoordinateRegion(         center: location.coordinates,         span: mapSpan)     }   }       func toggleLocationsList(){     withAnimation(.easeInOut){       showLocationsList.toggle()     }   } } Not sure what the error means and how I can fix it, because in my ViewModel i have it extended to Observable Object. If you would like I can also provide a GitHub link to my project.
Mar ’22