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So for a model you mean i need to write down first what belongs to what?E.g. Entitie: Character Attribute: Body . . Entitie: artificial arm Attribute : Augemet Body Attribute Relationship: Attribut Body Weapon: Attribute: Damage .Something like this ?And i understand right that I use the core data entries in normal swift code and then store them back after i applied the changes to them.
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This is for UI-Kit not Swift. Isn't that diffrent in use or is it so similar i dont have to mind ?
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11 Replies
Ok thank you, there is only one short addition can I do it your war but have like in one Context menue 5 and the other 3 options ?
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11 Replies
Thank you very much for your response ! That is a really nice sugguestion with the 3D-Touch thanks didnt know this is possible inside apps. I know its off topic but can you suggest me a way or page where i can read how I do like a Database inside my app. So basically the user adds a charcter and then edits the data for this individual. Do I create seperate files for each character(and if yes how inside an app) or what would be appropiate.
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Thanks for the answers i also stumbled over the limitations in Hstack and Vstack before. The point is if you code it out like i did you run into the error and then I found this online.import SwiftUI struct MyTabView : View { var body: some View { TabView() { // Loops 2 times to create 2 views with title and context text ForEach((1...20), id: \.self) { index in TabContent(title:"Title \(index)", content: "This is the content in tab \(index)") .tabItem { Image(systemName: "\(index).circle") Text("Tab \(index)") }.tag(index) } } } } // Simple content with title and context text struct TabContent: View { @State var title: String @State var content: String var body: some View { VStack{ Text("\(title)") .font(.largeTitle) .fontWeight(.black) .multilineTextAlignment(.center) .scaledToFill() .padding() Text("\(content)") .multilineTextAlignment(.center) } } }And it works fine and gives me 20 Tabs and more (maybe). And in the documentation there is no clear definition then you can only mache like 10 taps or 10 rows of a Vstack and so forth. I don't know if this is a good UI design but it fit my needs ( I dont know a other good way) I want like a digital Character Sheet App ant with the Tabs I have the opportunity to quickly access the relavant information without opening a side bar or topdown menue. Later every tap should display soemthing diffrent even diffrent in style like ListView and so on.