




CIRAWFilter is never not crashing
Is anyone using the new CIRAWFilter API successfully? This is the one introduced in iOS 15, not the OG one. I'm able to instantiate the class and get an output image, but as soon as I try to use the same instance a second time (in any way), I get a crash. I'm storing the CIRAWFilter in an instance variable to tweak its parameters (such as exposure) later, but while the CIRAWFilter object is retained, it seems like it's an empty shell. It either crashes with EXC_BAD_ACCESS or responds that it was sent an unrecognized selector. Makes it tough to adopt this new API! Here's a reproducible code sample for the curious (make sure to add a RAW file called example.dng to the bundle): import SwiftUI import Photos import CoreImage import CoreImage.CIFilterBuiltins final class FilterHolder: ObservableObject { var rawFilter: CIRAWFilter? = nil } struct ContentView: View { enum RawError: String, Error { case noURL, noFilter, noImage, noCGImage, noAsset, noFullSizeUrl, unhandled } @State var image: Image? @State var rawError: RawError? = nil @State var ev: Float = 0.0 @StateObject var filterHolder = FilterHolder() var body: some View { VStack { if let image = image { VStack { image.resizable() .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit) .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity) Slider(value: $ev, in: 0...3) } } else { if let error = rawError { Text("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)") } else { Text("Loading…") } } }.onChange(of: ev) { newValue in filterHolder.rawFilter?.exposure = newValue render() }.onAppear { loadLocalImage() } } func loadLocalImage() { do { guard let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "example", withExtension: "dng") else { throw RawError.noURL } guard let filter = CIRAWFilter(imageURL: url) else { throw RawError.noFilter } filter.neutralTemperature = 5600.0 filterHolder.rawFilter = filter render() } catch { rawError = .unhandled } } func render() { do { guard let output = filterHolder.rawFilter?.outputImage else { throw RawError.noImage } let context = CIContext(options: nil) guard let cgImage = context.createCGImage(output, from: output.extent) else { throw RawError.noCGImage } image = Image(uiImage: UIImage(cgImage: cgImage)) } catch { rawError = .unhandled } } } The image should load correctly once, but when the slider is adjusted, you'll see the crash. Filed as FB9524345
Aug ’21
PhotoKit: Can't access user's albums?
Using Xcode 13 beta 4, I seem to have lost the ability to access user-created photo albums with PhotoKit (via PHAssetCollection.fetchAssetCollections). When I request albums of the type .smartAlbum, I get all the Smart Albums. However when I request .album, I get 0 results. Has anyone else run into this? Here's some example code: import SwiftUI import Photos struct ContentView: View { @State var status: PHAuthorizationStatus = PHPhotoLibrary .authorizationStatus(for: .readWrite) private static var collectionOptions: PHFetchOptions { let reverseChron = PHFetchOptions() reverseChron.sortDescriptors = [NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \PHAssetCollection.endDate, ascending: false)] return reverseChron }     var body: some View { VStack { Text("Welcome!") .padding() if status == .authorized { Button("Load photos") { let userAlbums = PHAssetCollection.fetchAssetCollections( with: .album, subtype: .any, options: ContentView.collectionOptions ) print("List of albums:") for i in 0..<userAlbums.count { let album = userAlbums[i] print(album.localizedTitle ?? "[No title]") } } } }.onAppear() { PHPhotoLibrary.requestAuthorization(for: .readWrite) { aStatus in   status = aStatus   }   }     } } struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {     static var previews: some View {         ContentView()     } } Edit: filed as FB9477907
Aug ’21