We have special use case, We have two apps, App A (Electron) and App B (Swift). App B when run independently works completely fine but when bundles with App A and shipped as dmg, App B doesn't prompt for microphone permission anymore. What can be issue? What's right way to ship both app together such that App B is hidden and launched through App A only? How can I figure out what changes after App B is bundled and comes with App A. Even if I produce dmg of App A and install it on same system, App B doesn't ask for microphone permission anymore.
I'm trying to distribute my macOS application (a .dmg file) to customers, and I've followed all the steps to sign and notarize the application. However, when I try to install the .dmg containing the app, Gatekeeper rejects it with the error "AppName cannot be opened because developer is not verified". Even though I’ve signed the app with my Developer ID, notarized it, and verified the signature using codesign, I am still encountering issues when attempting to install or open the app on a clean macOS environment. Here’s the error I see when using spctl to check the .dmg:
spctl --assess --type open --verbose=4 output/App.dmg
output/App.dmg: rejected
source=Insufficient Context
When trying:
spctl -a -t open -vvv --context context:primary-signature output/App.dmg
output/Unbounded.dmg: accepted
source=Notarized Developer ID
origin=Developer ID Application:
My .app is signed and notarised by electron builder and I explicitly signed and notarised dmg too but still not working