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4 Replies
@shortcipher Using the exact code you posted, the notification still shows up on the iPhone simulator, not on the CarPlay simulator. So for now I'm just working with a test app in the simulator. In the test app I've given it a CarPlay entitlement. To make sure that works, I used CarPlay.parking. With code from other parts of the internet, CarPlayTest shows up on the CarPlay simulator. So the entitlement works fine. I switch to CarPlay.communication (which I think is the correct entitlement for this?) and the icon goes away on the CarPlay simulator (I would think this is correct). The notification always shows up on the iPhone simulator. I have deleted the app and reinstalled. .parking (open and closed on CarPlay simulator) and .communication, the notification shows up on the iPhone. Is this just a simulator problem, and if I get Apple approval for entitlement it will work, or am I missing something else.
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4 Replies
I'm trying to fix one of my apps, which uses Local Notifications. Of course when the phone is plugged into CarPlay, nothing happens. Was hoping to get some leads as to how to get Local Notifications on CarPlay. I've played around with your answer, but it still doesn't do anything (and I haven't added CarPlay) Do you have to add CarPlay to your app (I assume yes). I'm not an auto maker so I assume I can't add CarPlay for Automaker. Can it be done with CarPlay.communication? It appears that SiriKit needs to be added as well? Basically, what items did you use to get these Notifications to be shown on the CarPlay screen and then announced. There is so little information out there on this topic. Just everyone saying "It can't be done". Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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4 Replies
Does anyone know how to hide this error in the console? The writing of the speech works fine, so for now I'd just like to ignore just this error (which comes up dozens of times with what I'm working on).
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1 Replies
I just transferred my apps from my personal developer license to my new companies license. They are all listed in iTunes Connect under "Agreements, Tax, and Banking". They are all active. Not sure if they had said other things during the transfer process, which was very quick for me.
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112 Replies
Stanford puts out a great course. Spring 2020 covers SwiftUI.
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4 Replies
Thanks. Just making sure it wasn't something I did (You never know). I'll just have patience and I'm sure it'll work itself out.
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3 Replies
Thanks for Paul Hudson (, I got the answer for this today. In the init, changing the tableview color takes a UIColor. The .listRowBackground uses the SwiftUI Color. If you set each of those with rgb, they will match. If you use just .green, they will be different.struct ContentView: View { init() { UITableView.appearance().backgroundColor = .green // Uses UIColor } var body: some View { NavigationView { List { ForEach(1...3, id: \.self) { index in NavigationLink( destination: DetailView()) { ContentCell() } .frame(height: 100) .listRowBackground( // Uses Color } } .navigationBarTitle("My List") } //.background( Not working } } struct ContentCell: View { var body: some View { GeometryReader { geometry in VStack { Text("An item to display.") } .frame(width: (geometry.size.width), height: geometry.size.height, alignment: .center) .background( Working } } } struct DetailView: View { var body: some View { VStack { Text ("At the detail view") } .frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight: 0, maxHeight: .infinity) .background( Working .edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.all) } }
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11 Replies
And sadly, I am not. Thanks... I missed that line.