
Post marked as solved
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Just to close this thread out: I was booting off of an external SSD drive. The drive itself was slow, so that was this issue.
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So I went to ChatGPT to see if it could help me solve this problem. Encased the code that causes the alert to popup with: DispatchQueue.main.async { [self] in ... } and now I no longer get this warning. Is it that simple? Is CHatGPT that scary?
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That is what I pretty much have. My apologies if I didn’t explain it better. I’m just looking to make sure that ascending set to false will give me descending, and not some random order, that may Not be guaranteed to be descending.
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Workaround: Use Xcode 13.3.1. I've tried this. And it still won't work. I've confirmed that I'm running 13.3.1 and not 4.1, yet still, I can no longer debug on the 15.6 device. I've even tried copying the 15.5 disk image into a 15.6 folder in the device directory, and still stuck. Am I missing some config file setting left over from 13.4.1?
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So I went through everything one by one, i.e. constraints, buttons, etc. When I removed the UIView, within the UIViewController, then the scrolling worked. I'm guessing that somehow the UIView was steal or preventing the gesture recognizers from working? Buttons got their clicks, but that's a different creature.
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Here's my problem: I built a sample project to paste here. In it, everything works (scrolling wise). In my large bloated project it doesn't. I copied and pasted the UITextView code, so I know it's the same. So now I am really thrown. Could this have anything to do with the UIViewController? My large project has a UIView within the UIViewController, the sample does not. I constrain the UIView to the UIViewController's safeAreaLayoutGuide, then I place all my buttons within the UIView. But everything is a subview of the UIVewController, so not sure how that might be affecting this. Any clues where to look would be so appreciated.
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There is not, the file closes once the AVAudioFile is deinitialized if I use the same handle to create a second file, would that close the first?
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All that being said, for your high-level goal of recording 10-15 seconds of audio you might find this api simpler to use: As I will be recoding unknown lengths, and trying to use "background" samples to remove background noise, I am guessing that using the same functions to record would be the wiser? The size of the incoming buffers. The implementation may choose another size. Does this also apply to the same instance call of .installTap ? In other words, once running, will I start getting different buffer sizes in the same instance?
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So now, when I create the table I am registering it as such func createTblView() -> UITableView { let myTable = MyTableView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 )) myTable.register(UITableViewCell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: "reuse") myTable.backgroundColor = .white return myTable } And within: func tableView( tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell_ func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell { // let cell = UITableViewCell() let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "reuse") var config = cell!.defaultContentConfiguration() ... additional config code below } This is just a quick sample, obviously I have to add code because cell is now optional, "reuse" is just a test, etc. When I look at cell in the debugger I do see: _reuseIdentifier NSTaggedPointerString * "reuse" 0x84c7f8963e3e2abe It all appears correct, but since the return cell is an optional, and it wasn't without using the tableView.dequeueReusableCell, just want to make sure I am implementing this correctly. Thanks for all your help.
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I jumped to the definition in Xcode and found the following:     @available(iOS 14.0, tvOS 14.0, *)     public var contentConfiguration: UIContentConfiguration?     @available(iOS 14.0, tvOS 14.0, *)     public func defaultContentConfiguration() -> UIListContentConfiguration So I tried a casting the contentConfiguration as a UIListContentConfiguration and it works. While it works, I would appreciate it if someone would tell me if I am still somehow doing it incorrectly. Perhaps I am configuring the cell incorrectly to begin with? Here is the following working code: let cell = myClientList.cellForRow(at: myInvsList.indexPathForSelectedRow!) let config = cell?.contentConfiguration as? UIListContentConfiguration dbClass.curMasterinvList = config?.text ?? ""
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No, let config = cell?.contentConfiguration dbClass.curMasterinvList = config?.text Value of type 'UIContentConfiguration' has no member 'text'
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For anyone running into this problem, it's a permission issue. Answer is here.
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I thought I replied, but anyway: I found this answer, and it has many solutions. The one that worked for me was "doing a hard restart of my iPhone." Ashamed I didn't think of trying that first.