@eskimo, Ok, Thank you for the reply.
But all the users who are terminating our app does not know that they are going to miss some daily benefit, which we will be creating by running our code on Background Processing/Fetch and Silent Push Notification.
Mine is an offline application having many local calculations based on user input.
User can enable one hour alert, which will display location notification every one hour at specific time based on user input but NOT at regular interval, which will vary user by user.
Based on some local calculations using user input, i will send local notification for the user every one hour.
One day one user will get location notification at 1:30am, 2:10am, 3: 15am, etc
Next day, they may get local notification at 1:10am, 2:15:am, etc
It will be based on current date and user input. We cannot predict.
For the active users, whenever they open our app, we will do the calculation and send location notification every one hour.
But some users will not open our app at all, but they have subscribed for one hour alert.
Those not-active users, may have quit app from App Switcher, also while user quit the app, they does not know that they are going to break their one hour alert, which i will trigger in the Background Processing/Fetch and Silent Push Notification.
We do not have user details on server, so we cannot keep any calculation at server and send push notification.
Can you please advise me that how to handle this scenario?
Thank you.
I have enabled "Open using Rosetta" and run. Not sure if it makes sense, but this is working.