@fobin. I know this post is super old but I am running into the same issue. I am using a different audio format (uLaw) but same thing, iOS file shows audio offset of 4096 and the API accepts it but it doesn't work. If I run the same file through Audacity and re-export to uLaw, the audio offset becomes 58 and it works.
Could you explain what you meant by "cut the data from the FLLR tag"?
I know this post is a little dated but it's exactly what I needed. I've been able to implement however I can't seem to enable the alert button (or disable) in the objc function. It just doesn't do anything;
@objc func alertTextFieldDidChange(_ sender: UITextField) {
print("In the alert did change")
print("Should Save be enabled? \(sender.text!.count > 0)")
print("Button title is \(alertController?.actions[0].title)")
alertController?.actions[0].isEnabled = sender.text!.count > 0
I've confirmed that the notification for text changed is received by function and confirmed that the sender,text.count > 0 is true (or false) so it should be enabling but it's not. I even tried just enabling the button automatically whenever any textChange event received (alertController?.actions[0].isEnabled = true) but that didn't work either.
I am using XCode 14.2.
I found other examples of people doing it this way as well however they were just using a single action button.
Any idea why this button isn't enabling?
I knew I should have held off a few more minutes.
I was able to get this working. My issue was that my function calls for numberOfItemsInComboCell and comboBoxCell were wrong.
I fixed it by changing those two calls to;
func numberOfItems(in comboBox: NSComboBox) -> Int {
return Server_Locations.allCases.count
func comboBox(_ comboBox: NSComboBox, objectValueForItemAt index: Int) -> Any? {
return String(KeyboardHotKeys.allCases[index].rawValue) as AnyObject
numberOfItems(in: countryComboBox)
comboBox(countryComboBox, objectValueForItemAt: 0)
It is now complaining that I am not using the result of the call. Should I bother assigning the result to an empty value (ie: _ =) or is there something else I should be doing with it? The data is populating the NSComboBox as expected.