Hello, I was given a framework who the author claims that it supports Apple Silicon but how can I tell for sure? I opened the info.plist file in there but don't see anything that indicates if its for Intel or not. Should there be?
Aargh. I have a category written in Objective-C that adds an equalizer to AVPlayer. I downloaded it from https://github.com/akhilcb/ACBAVPlayerExtension and dragged the relevant source files into my project. I'm sure the target memberships of them are correct.
The .H file for the ObjC category starts off like this:
@interface AVPlayer(ACBHelper) (void)fooTest;
@property (nonatomic, getter=isMeteringEnabled) BOOL meteringEnabled; /* turns level metering on or off. default is off. */
My bridging header .H file definitely has the #import statements to include the category, and I know it's being used because if I put a syntax error in there as a test, I get an error.
I cannot get past this error in my code:
"Value of type 'AVPlayer' has no member 'isMeteringEnabled"
with these lines:
self.player = AVPlayer(playerItem: playerItem)
self.player.meteringEnabled = true
I tried using meteringEnabled and isMeteringEnabled with no success.
As an experiment, I added fooTest() to the category just to see if I can call it. I try to call it like this from Swift:
I keep getting an error "Value of type AVPlayer has no member fooTest which is nonsense. fooTest shows up in autocomplete.
Also, if I right-click on fooTest in the line that says self.player.foohTest(), and select Jump to Definition, I am taken to the .H file and the line where I added
- (void)fooTest;
I'm working on a SwiftUI app that keeps crashing for me when I try to navigate to a certain page. It works great on a simulator using iOS 14 and 15, but on my physical iPhone 12 Pro Max running iOS 15.0.2, it crashes every time somewhere swift_getTypeByMangledName
I have no idea why this happens or what to do about it
I want my media app to support Siri when using the phone, and CarPlay when in the car but I get an error during installation that it's not possible because 2 extensions both use INPlayMediaIntent.
Can someone explain why this is bad? I don't understand why I can't have both.