
Post marked as solved
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Found the issue. I was initializing the AVAudioRecorder BEFORE switching the AVAudioSession category to .record. At least as of 16.2 beta 4, you now have to initialize it AFTER setting the record category. All fine with me, it's probably the recommended approach, but an error reason would be nice when .record() returns false, I'd been at this for 7 hours total before I finally got it.
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Hello! Any chance you found a solution when playing Apple Music alongside an AVAudioPlayer?
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19 Replies
@davenorfleet Thanks for the workaround! I'm gonna have to try and tweak these, as it seems that sometimes the playlist fails to add the song (knowing MusicKit, I probably have to add a 0.1 seconds timer before calling the completion). But what's important is that I managed to get past the bug! :D Thanks!
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3 Replies
@teststation5 check out my last message here (not the accepted answer because I'm dumb, didn't know what that button did). Long story short, you gotta wrap the addToLibrary func in a dispatch that's not for the main queue.
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19 Replies
Guys, I found the fix. Calling MPMediaLibrary.default().addItem(...) never reaches completion when called on the main thread. However, I wrapped it in a .utility) {} and this made it work.
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19 Replies
@davenorfleet even in 14.4 beta??? Damn, that sucks. @JoeKun any updates?
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8 Replies
@davenorfleet Hadn't tried that solution, but good to know it doesn't work lol. Here's another thread I started 2-3 months ago on which I see multiple people are active: With a little luck, maybe someone will give us some news there when they find anything.
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8 Replies
Sad to hear there's no fix in 14.3. You're not the only one with this issue, I'll write here if I find any solution. You getting the following errors too? [core] "Error returned from daemon: Error Code=9 "(null)"" [iTunesCloud] ACAccountStore 0x282436920 - Error retrieving iTunesStore accounts. err=Error Code=9 "(null)" [iTunesCloud] ACAccountStore 0x282436920 - Error retrieving local store account. err=Error Code=9 "(null)" [iTunesCloud] [ICUserIdentityStore] Failed to fetch local store account with error: Error Code=9 "(null)".
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19 Replies
Official release of iOS 14 is out and this still isn't fixed.
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When I try to create a MediaPlayerController object:var player: MediaPlayerController = MediaPlayerControllerFactory.createLocalController(applicationContext, AppleMusicTokenProvider(applicationContext))I get the following exception:java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: No implementation found for int (tried Java_com_apple_android_music_foothill_javanative_FootHillConfig_config and Java_com_apple_android_music_foothill_javanative_FootHillConfig_config__Ljava_lang_String_2) at Method) at at at at at at doesn't matter if I use the application's context, the activity or the activity's context. How can I solve this without using a bunch of other classes? If I create a foreground service and use the Android's MediaController and MediaBrowser and some other dependencies, yes, I can make it work, but the setup is way too strenuous for the app and too buggy for a simple play/pause/stop/seekTo (I will probably need to loop the song also).
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Yep, and mediaType is still 0 for every media item in beta 8, so my app doesn't allow me to select anything since they're not marked as MediaTypeMusic. I imagine playbackDuration is also still 0 in beta 8.