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I have been able to also reproduce the issue with a Xcode 15.3 template project after adding Apple Vision as a supported destination, configuring Xcode Cloud and adding a TestFlight post-action (without the post-action, the archives succeed). Submitted FB13774427 (Xcode Cloud visionOS archive action fails for iOS template project with Apple Vision added as supported destination.) as this might be a bug. Anybody successfully building these visionOS/iOS hybrid apps with current version Xcode Cloud after including a TestFlight post-action? The following email references ITMS error numbers: TMS-90508: Invalid Info.plist value - The value for the key 'DTPlatformName' in bundle is invalid. ITMS-90039: Type Mismatch - The value for the Info.plist key CFBundleIcons.CFBundlePrimaryIcon is not of the required type for that key. See the Information Property List Key Reference at ITMS-90068: This bundle is invalid - The value provided for the key MinimumOSVersion '17.4' is not acceptable. ITMS-90512: Invalid sdk value - The value provided for the sdk portion of LC_BUILD_VERSION in is 17.4 which is greater than the maximum allowed value of 1.2.
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@rkhamilton I noticed today that issues in Berlin I had reported and the issues in your code seem to have been fixed (I wrote some Unit Tests which now fail b/c "Expected failure but none recorded" :) The Apple Park issue still there but maybe will also get fixed soon.
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Thanks for sharing! I have seemingly ran into the same issue, with - of all places - Apple Park, Cupertino... The following code fails with status 404. It seems that trying to get any history before that date fails too, whereas getting the history after that date succeeds. settings.startDate = .init( timeZone: .init(identifier: "America/Los_Angeles"), year: 2023, month: 9, day: 27, hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0 ))! settings.endDate = .init( timeZone: .init(identifier: "America/Los_Angeles"), year: 2023, month: 9, day: 28, hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0 ))! settings.locationLatitude = 37.334886 settings.locationLongitude = -122.008988 let location = CLLocation(latitude: settings.locationLatitude, longitude: settings.locationLongitude) do { let dayWeather = try await for: location, including: .daily(startDate: settings.startDate, endDate: settings.endDate)) print("Received \(dayWeather.count) DayWeather object(s).") } catch { print("WeatherKit Error: \(error.localizedDescription)") throw error }
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For the last 48h hours I have tried to get it to work with no success (including disconnecting, deleting all Xcode Cloud data etc. and starting from scratch). Whereas yesterday evening it did not work, today it miraculously started to work after a push. One thing I have noticed: previously, when I was starting a workflow manually, I had to select "All" rather than "Mine" - see picture. Now the main branch is showing up as "Mine".
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I have overlooked that this feature relies on running the code on iOS 17 (found here) Now it works :)
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While I am able to get ModelEntities generated programmatically to collide with the real world environment, the moment I replace them with a scene built with Reality Composer, the same code results in the the loaded entities passing through all real world objects and walls. I have not found a respective setting in Reality Composer - in Scene Physics, the current version only allows to set "Objects collide with" to "Plane" or "Nothing" , whereas older versions seemed to offer "Collides". I wonder if this feature got removed. I saw that in 2020, the preliminary_collidesWithEnvironment option has been added to USD, which kind of indicates that we should be able to set it in Reality Composer, but no luck so far.
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@J0hn SharePlay is not exactly what I am looking for, unfortunately. The APIs related to entity synchronisation seem all to have visionOS supported status: Wonder if these APIs will make it into the 1.0 release...
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Still no solution. I can access the property if I break into the debugger (lldb) v weatherDataForDate.daytimeForecast.cloudCover (Double) weatherDataForDate.daytimeForecast.cloudCover = 0.96999999999999997 But the respective code will not compile 😭 print(weatherDataForDate.daytimeForecast.cloudCover) (Error: Value of type 'DayWeather' has no member 'daytimeForecast')