




Failed to create provisionning profile
Hi! I developped a game on unity, then exported it for iOS. Now with xcode to archive/build the projet. I don't have a mac or an iphone, so I tried with virtualbox, and macincloud (may be an important information, but the result is the same). If I check the "Automatically manage signing" box I get : Failed to create provisioning profile. There are no devices registered in your account on the developper website. Plug in and select a device to have Xcode register it. No profiles for "***" were found Xcode could'nt fin any iOS AppDevelopment provisioning profiles matching "***" If i uncheck it : Provisioning profile "PP Name" doesn't include signing certificate "Aple Development: ***(***)". I've been trying for like 10 hours to get this working, but i'm not fmailiar with the apple environnement and don't know what to try anymore... It works well on Android, I'd just like to export the file for Appstore. Does anyone have a solution ? Thanks !
Sep ’20