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In my case it, was in conjunction with the @Query property wrapper. The query was filling a list. I removed the query, filled it with a bunch a numbers and it didn't have an issue. I think it has something to do with reloading.
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Did you ever find a solution?
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In my case it got resolved adding the Outgoing Connections capability.
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This helps out a lot. I've been trying to get an answer from Apple Finance but haven't got a straight answer. I don't get why the lack of transparency.
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I was confused about the location of the file and as to its purpose, as I thought It had something to do with the external swift package I use. This file is located inside the project file container and then inside the workspace file container. The gitignore file that I'm using was preventing this file to be added to the repo, I had to comment out a bunch of files related to the project and workspace before it got added to the repo. Once I did, the workflow built just fine. Thanks !
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19 Replies
I can confirm this is still happening for me too in Xcode 13.1 RC. The duplication seems to be with the SWIFT_AVAILABILTY function. My Siri extensions have a deployment target of 12.3, but in the duplication method I can see the availability setting to iOS 15. - (void)handleCreateDailyTask:(OP1CreateDailyTaskIntent * _Nonnull)intent completion:(void (^ _Nonnull)(OP1CreateDailyTaskIntentResponse * _Nonnull))completion; - (void)handleCreateDailyTask:(OP1CreateDailyTaskIntent * _Nonnull)intent completion:(void (^ _Nonnull)(OP1CreateDailyTaskIntentResponse * _Nonnull))completionHandler SWIFT_AVAILABILITY(watchos,introduced=8.0) SWIFT_AVAILABILITY(macos,introduced=12.0) SWIFT_AVAILABILITY(ios,introduced=15.0);
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I make a mistake and set as answered my reply. The Correct answer is .plain but with a few caveats:  I tried the plain style as suggested but it looked exactly the same as the fullwidth. I also tried setting self.tableView.intercellSpacing = CGSizeMake(0, 0) but also it didn't work. But finally this is what worked: Set the style to automatic in interface builder Set the style to plain in view did load. I tried other combinations like 1.plain and 2.plain and it didn't work.
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Thank you @Etresoft for checking the example ! When you say you return a custom row, you are populating your own custom row and not returning anything on the viewForTableColumn data source call ? Thanks.
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Thank you, do you set it in applicationWilFinishLaunching ? with -[NSApplication setApplicationIconImage:] ?
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Just to confirm the .plain style has the same issue as the full width style.
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Thank @Etresoft!, I would have liked to add some pics to the post, but as we can't do that, I will try to explain more carefully. I created a really simple application that uses the fullwidth style with 1 column with a table view cell that only draws its background. When debugging the view with the Xcode hierarchical debug button, I can see that the cell is not occupying the entire tableview row view. There is still some padding horizontally on both sides. When I debug using 12.1, the cell occupies all the row correctly. I will try the .plain style as @galad87 says but I think I already tried it without any luck. I have a question on an external website with pictures attached named: How to remove NSTableView indentation on Big Sur that includes the example app and the screenshots. Thanks again !
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18 Replies
Just adding that this is also happening with Xcode 12.1 store version with BigSur 11.0 Beta (20A5395g)