I've tried to sign/notarize/staple my Electron app via electron-builder, using electron-notarize. I tried it as well in cmd line - both times, same result.
Code signing runs without a problem.
Notarize (I did wait two days first time, now it's couple of minutes)
Stapling - failure
`Downloaded ticket has been stored at file:///var/folders/....
Could not validate ticket for....
The staple and validate action failed! Error 65.
I've checked, and the tickets are downloaded to said folder.
My process:
`codesign --deep --force --options runtime \
--entitlements build/entitlements.mac.plist \
--sign "Developer ID Application: Pete..." \
ditto -c -k --sequesterRsrc --keepParent dist/mac-arm64/Modelist.app dist/mac-arm64/Modelist.zip
xcrun notarytool submit dist/mac-arm64/Modelist.zip \
--apple-id "email" \
--password "app_specific_pass" \
--team-id "team_id" \
Conducting pre-submission checks for Modelist.zip and initiating connection to the Apple notary service...
Submission ID received
id: 8fa0b3d3-291...
Upload progress: 100,00% (98,1 MB of 98,1 MB)
Successfully uploaded file
id: 8fa0b3d3-291...
path: /Users/pete/projects/modelist2/dist/mac-arm64/Modelist.zip
Waiting for processing to complete.
Current status: Accepted.............
Processing complete
id: 8fa0b3d3-291...
status: Accepted
xcrun stapler staple dist/mac-arm64/Modelist.app
Processing: /Users/pete/projects/modelist2/dist/mac-arm64/Modelist.app
Could not validate ticket for /Users/pete/projects/modelist2/dist/mac-arm64/Modelist.app
The staple and validate action failed! Error 65.
The certs were installed via XCode.
Variables are all exported in env.
I followed the instructions for electron-builder from here: https://kilianvalkhof.com/2019/electron/notarizing-your-electron-application/
I'm sure I made a stupid little mistake, but after hours of arguing with ChatGPT we are going in circles and after clicking on almost every link in Google, I'm kindda lost.