




Certain pods are not working in MacBook M1 chip and prompting error
Dear Apple Developers, I'd like to bring it to your kind notice that, when I try to incorporate certain pods namely - pod 'CountryPickerView' pod 'CryptoSwift' pod 'ACPGriffon' pod 'ACPAnalytics' pod 'ACPMobileServices' pod 'Charts' pod 'GooglePlaces' its evoking an error. Error message -  directory not found for option '-F/Users/a1606085/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Test123-dogpfwtyviqwuiajsfvyexviimuf/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/CountryPickerView' ld: framework not found CountryPickerView. Whereas the below pods are working absolutely fine: pod 'Alamofire' pod 'JSONUtilities' pod 'JJFloatingActionButton' pod 'CropViewController' pod 'ACPUserProfile', '> 2.0' pod 'ACPCore', '> 2.0' pod 'ReachabilitySwift' pod 'SwiftyGif' Here are few things I tried but all of them failed to help: Updated CocoaPods using following command in terminal 'sudo gem install cocoapods' . Then did pod install again Adding arm64 in excluded architecture Uninstalling Xcode application and reinstalled version of Xcode 13.4.1 Clearing data from derived data folder and re building I'm currently using a MacBook Pro M1 chip. Is this an issue with Mac M1 ? Because these pods are working fine in other MacBooks other than M1. Are there any suggestions that can help resolve this problem and make the code work? (Tried attaching screenshots but unable to) Kindly help with this issue ASAP since I've got a project deliverable in pipeline. Thanks in advance
Aug ’22