Try adding .ignoresSafeArea() to your SMSView.
This sometimes works:
func updateUIView(_ uiView: UIView, context: Context) { DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.5) { uiView.setNeedsDisplay() } }
But not for two orientation changes in fast succession.
I am so disappointed with this iOS 15 bug.
I am frustrated too. iOS 15 broke orientation change for me, FB9669244. It was nice, now it's ugly. I am ashamed of my app and stare into a black hole.
My code looks like this:
VStack {
HStack { Text("Trades per session: \(Int(settings.tradesPerGame))"); Spacer() }
Slider( value: $settings.tradesPerGame, in: 5 ... 100, step: 5, onEditingChanged: { editing in if !editing { UserDefaults.standard.set( settings.tradesPerGame, forKey: Setting.tradesPerGame.rawValue ) } } ) { EmptyView() }
I tried to post it in an answer, but when I submitted it disappeared. This is the code:
VStack {
HStack { Text("Trades per session: (Int(settings.tradesPerGame))"); Spacer() }
Slider( value: $settings.tradesPerGame, in: 5 ... 100, step: 5, onEditingChanged: { editing in if !editing { UserDefaults.standard.set( settings.tradesPerGame, forKey: Setting.tradesPerGame.rawValue ) } } ) { EmptyView() }
Trying to post the code in an answer again.
VStack {
HStack { Text("Trades per session: \(Int(settings.tradesPerGame))"); Spacer() }
Slider( value: $settings.tradesPerGame, in: 5 ... 100, step: 5, onEditingChanged: { editing in if !editing { UserDefaults.standard.set( settings.tradesPerGame, forKey: Setting.tradesPerGame.rawValue ) } } ) { EmptyView() }
I found comment on shift + cmd + ? on a Swedish keyboard, but it is shown in preferences as cmd + /. It broke after installing Monterey. I deleted the rest because it was not constructive.
How about a separate feedback assistant for developers with paid accounts?