In the previous solution, I made a mistake: if I want to have TextFieldInError being working with other view, I can't link it with LoginFocusable, but I have to make a Generic:
struct TextFieldWithError<T: Hashable>: View {
var label: String
@Binding var text: String
@Binding var textError: String
var focusId: T?
@FocusState.Binding var focus: T?
yes, it is not accepted
That what I followed to build my share extension
Thank's Claude
You're right, resignFirstesponder is not async, but I think that await withCheckedThrowingContinuation resolve the problem of non async functions calling async ones
Yes my App is sandboxes, and permission is OK in the signing capabilities of the App (I will read the link you posted)
My code is
let dialogURL = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first
and the result is
I wanted to simplify my problem, that's why I put the constraints in the subclass (lass Container)
It is exactly the same if I put the constraints in the code of the ViewController
I think the problem is that Interface Builder doesn't apply constraints.
If I add the following method:
func setupIBConstraints() { if (superview?.frame.size.width)! < (superview?.frame.size.height)! { label.text = "setupIBConstraints(.CR \(superview?.frame.size.width)" label.sizeToFit() self.layer.frame = CGRect(x: 30, y: 100, width: (superview?.frame.size.width ?? 0)-60, height: (superview?.frame.size.height ?? 0)-300) } else { label.text = "setupIBConstraints(.CC ou .RC \(superview?.frame.size.width)" label.sizeToFit() self.layer.frame = CGRect(x: 20, y: 50, width: (superview?.frame.size.width ?? 0)-100, height: (superview?.frame.size.height ?? 0)-100) } }
and in method layoutSubviews() I replace
#if TARGET_INTERFACE_BUILDER setupIBConstraints() #else setupConstraints(theOrientation) #endif
I can see a correct result in Interface Builder
it proves that code is well executed by Interface Builder
change of frame is OK for IB but it doesn't apply constraints
I would reformulate my question: how to apply programmatic constraints in IB
Of course, I can write constraints in IB but I thought it was possible by program and see the results in IB