




Run code while a dialog box is shown
Hello! I am trying to make a script that will show a dialog box and at the same time loop through some code. I cannot find a way to do this, does anybody know how? Below is sort of how I want the code to work. Thanks! applescript set thedialog to display dialog "A dialog box" repeat while thedialog = true set TimeUntilButtonPress to TimeUntilButtonPress + 1 delay 1 end repeat-This is incorrect, its just an example of how I want the code to work
Mar ’21
System Events not running
Hello! I made an AppleScript that uses variables that changes by 1 every second, in the original version, it just tells System Events to type, but I kept getting errors so I changed it to tell System Events to activate and type something. The code works, but on the lines of code that tell System Events to activate, at a random time I get an error saying System Events is not running on the line of code telling it to activate. I am very confused. I will attach the error message as well as the code. The code is from a friend, I am just posting it for him. Script Error Application isn't running tell application "System Events" to activate tell application "System Events" to activate set beg to 0 set mc to 0 set hour to 0 set search to 0 set pet to 0 set hl to 0 set ud to 0 set pm to 0 set ud to 0 set searchresult to 0 set listhl to {"h", "l"} set listpm to {"f", "k"} set listsearch to {"north pole", "advent calendar", "mistletoe", "christmas tree", "christmas card"} delay 1 set ud to some item of listhl set pm to some item of listpm set searchresult to some item of listsearch set reset to 0 delay 9 tell application "System Events" keystroke "pls daily" key code 36 delay 0.5 keystroke "pls beg" key code 36 delay 0.5 keystroke "pls hunt" key code 36 delay 0.5 keystroke "pls fish" key code 36 delay 1 keystroke "pls hl" key code 36 delay 2 keystroke ud key code 36 delay 2 keystroke "pls pm" key code 36 delay 2 keystroke pm key code 36 delay 2 keystroke "pls search" key code 36 delay 1 keystroke searchresult key code 36 set ud to 0 set pm to 0 set searchresult to 0 delay 1 set ud to some item of listhl set pm to some item of listpm set searchresult to some item of listsearch repeat set beg to beg + 1 set mc to mc + 1 set hour to hour + 1 set search to search + 1 set pet to pet + 1 set hl to hl + 1 delay 1 if hl = 22 then tell application "System Events" to activate tell application "Google Chrome" to activate tell application "System Events" set hl to 0 keystroke "pls hl" key code 36 delay 1 keystroke ud key code 36 set ud to 0 delay 1 set ud to some item of listhl end tell end if if beg = 47 then tell application "System Events" to activate tell application "Google Chrome" to activate tell application "System Events" keystroke "pls beg" key code 36 set beg to 0 end tell end if if mc = 62 then tell application "System Events" to activate tell application "Google Chrome" to activate tell application "System Events" set mc to 0 keystroke "pls hunt" key code 36 keystroke "pls fish" key code 36 delay 6 keystroke "pls pm" key code 36 delay 2 keystroke pm key code 36 set pm to 0 delay 1 set pm to some item of listpm end tell end if if hour = 3600 then tell application "System Events" to activate tell application "Google Chrome" to activate tell application "System Events" keystroke "pls hourly" key code 36 delay 1 keystroke "pls daily" key code 36 set hour to 0 end tell end if if search = 37 then set search to 0 tell application "System Events" to activate tell application "Google Chrome" to activate tell application "System Events" keystroke "pls search" key code 36 delay 1 keystroke searchresult key code 36 set searchresult to 0 delay 1 set searchresult to some item of listsearch end tell end if if pet = 1800 then set pet to 0 tell application "System Events" keystroke "pls pet pat" key code 36 keystroke "pls pet feed" key code 36 if reset = 50 then set reset to 0 tell application "System Events" to activate end if end tell end if end repeat end tell end end end end end end
Dec ’20
Applescript defining "result" as a variable
I am trying to make an Applescript code that uses variables to stop a repeat loop, and I keep getting an error that the variable "result" is not defined. Here is my code: set x to 0 display dialog "test" buttons {"Ok"} repeat 4 times if result = {button returned:"Ok"} then set x to x + 1 display dialog "test" buttons {"Ok"} if x = 4 then display dialog "test successful" exit repeat end if end if end repeat I keep getting this error: The variable result is not defined. Can someone explain to me why this keeps happening? Thanks, I really appreciate it!
Oct ’20