




Using the camera during testing
Greetings everyone, part of my XCUITest includes camera recognition as well as taking snapshots or recordings. However, I noticed that during my XCUITests on my simulators, that this is not possible. What I wish to do now, is either to work with a library or any implementation which could help me bypassing this issue in a way that I can still use this functionality or otherwise a way to skip this part of my test during tests on simulators as the code would be also executed on real devices, where the handling of the camera works perfectly fine. Any ideas? Also I would love to know, how I can check the orientation of the camera and adjust the taking of snasphots/recordings according to it. Thanks in advance
May ’23
Sound emission during an XCUITest
Greetings everyone, part of my XCUITest includes noise recognition and running voice commands. However, I noticed that during my XCUITests on my real device, the sound emission is completely blocked, means that I can't hear or produce any sound while testing. I haven't tested it on any simulator yet, but would need a solution to this issue for my real device testing anyway. Any takes on this? Thanks in advance
May ’23
Trying to change sate of my swift UI switch/toggle buttons appropriately
Hello everybody, with my UI switch/toggle button like this let button = app.switches["identifier] I have succeeded to read its value eventually with button.value Now tapping on the button to switch its state doesn't work and I don't know how to change the value of the button. I would prefer the latter, but I am open to any solution for my conundrum regardless. Any ideas? Thanks in advance
May ’23
Unable to read swift UI switch/toggle buttons correctly
Hi guys, I've been trying for a while to read the state of the switch/toggle buttons of my application, as I would need to verify their states before turning them on or off. However, after printing their states, I noticed that sometime they would return the value false although they are switched on. How can I properly read their values and switch them on or off?
May ’23