




Dynamically creating Virtual Audio Driver devices
I have created virtual driver from Soundpusher as well as Null device packages, and the virtual microphone & speakers are working well with audio applications (Google meet, zoom etc..). Now, my problem is getting silence in capture/playout when my virtual driver application is stopped/ exited. The virtual driver application - read data /play data from/to actual mic/speaker. To handle this situation, I should either create the devices dynamically or set visibility dynamically (hidden/visible) using anyone of the parameters. Create virtual mic/speaker or set visibility to virtual mic/speaker if my virtual driver application is running Delete virtual mic/speaker or set invisibility to virtual mic/speaker if my virtual driver application is Not running/Stopped/Exited Since, I am new to this driver technology for MacOsx, I am struggling to add these features into my driver. It will be great, if anyone can provide some help on how to do create & delete the devices dynamically (OR) set visibility dynamically. Also provide any sample code if available. Thanks in Advance.
Sep ’21