Hi all,
I have created a macOS app, and would like to be able to edit(add a couple of lines) the /etc/hosts file.
Normally I do this by writing this in my terminal
Sudo nano /etc/hosts
and then my password when it asks for it. After doing this I can freely edit the file.
So my question is, how can I do all of this through my macOS app?
I have tried the code bellow, but I keep getting this in my Xcode terminal
zsh:1: permission denied: /private/etc/hosts
let executableURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/bin/zsh")
do {
try Process.run(executableURL,
arguments: ["-c", "echo myPassword | sudo -S echo www.apple.com /private/etc/hosts"],
terminationHandler: { _ in self.isRunning = false })
} catch {