




Carplay CPTabBarTemplate custom icons
Hello, I am a product designer trying to understand the UI design limitations of CarPlay. I am designing a scene where a CPTabBarTemplate will appear. From what I can read in the CarPlay development documentation, I understand that it should be possible to assign a custom icon for each tab with tabImage: UIImage?, if I am not mistaken. However, any reference I have found always uses SF Symbols, which makes me wonder if they can actually be customized. And on the other hand, if they are customizable, could any PNG be used for the tab that might compromise the driver's safety? Thank you in advance.
Jun ’24
Carplay Developer Documentation with examples
Hello, I am a product designer trying to understand the UI design limitations of CarPlay. Since CarPlay renders templates in a single way and there isn't any option to change any component, is there any way to see in the documentation how that component will look once rendered? For example, if I want to incorporate a primaryButton: CPTextButton? in my CPPointOfInterest. How could I know how each CPTextButtonStyle will be displayed? Is there an accessible place where I can check how each component will be visualized? Thank you in advance.
Jun ’24
Carplay Design Resources
Hello, I am a product designer and I am currently working on a project that incorporates functionalities in CarPlay. Given the UI limitations that exist for app development with CarPlay, are there any pre-designed templates in Figma or any other resources that can be used to design the screens? This way, I can adhere to those templates knowing what the limits are. Thank you very much for your attention.
Jun ’24